Mercy Secondary School, Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath
Construction of a new 650 pupil Mercy Secondary School building on a greenfield site located approximately 500m to the east of the existing school, along Dublin road (R446).
The development consists of the construction of a two storeys school building (c.8,200m2) – including general teaching and administration rooms, PE hall with fitness suites, Special Education Needs unit and ancillary accommodation, ESB sub-station, external stores, car park, bus and car set down facilities, 2 no. basketball courts, hard and grass play areas, soft landscaping, new vehicular and pedestrian site entrance and exit points, new boundaries and general site development works.
The development also includes the following works outside the site boundary: new footpaths and cycle lane along R446, new street light posts, connection to exiting services, traffic calming measures, new pedestrian crossing and alteration to existing road markings.